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MySQL InnoDB Tables: Save your Database from unexpected Crashes!

Developer prefers MySQL for its performance, scalability and user-friendliness. MyISAM was the default storage engine for database in MySQL versions prior to 5.5. However MySQL InnoDB is the default database storage engine in MySQL version 5-5. The change in default storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB has seen wide appreciation owing to its significant enhancements for administrators and database users.

ACID transactions, Crash recovery and Referential integrity are few of the more pronounced benefits of InnoDB tables.

With all the massive increase in memory and hard drive capacity, data availability and performance is the top priority of users worldwide. Below we will be looking at some of the more pronounced benefits of InnoDB tables.

  • In case of any sudden server crash owing to hardware or software issue, all you need to do is to restart the database. InnoDB has been designed to undergo and complete any changes in the data base leftover prior to crash.
  • Data access and retrieval is speed up by the use of buffer pool in InnoDB. Buffer pool uphold table and index data for you so that the process of data retrieval can be fast and swift.
  • Enforcement of referential integrity constraints can be achieved by splitting your data in diverse tables with InnoDB. This means that updating or deletion of data in any one cell will result in updating or deletion of associated date automatically from all tables.
  • There is an automatic alert system in InnoDB for any corrupt data on memory or disk.

Though all these traits significantly add to the protection and security of your database even then there are environmental concerns that can lead to the corruption of your database on InnoDB. Let us examine some of the concerns that can cause corruption of your InnoDB database.

  • Database corruption or loss might occur in event of disk failure.
  • Any system crash or power outage at a time when you are facing an issue from disk subsystem could lead to serious corruption.
  • Bugs infection for InnoDB or MySQL code.
  • Hardware failure

Above mentioned scenarios represent scenarios which could lead you to serious database loss or corruption. However InnoDB has many “undo logs” that can store all unfinished database transactions and you can roll back these transactions in recovery process, making your database logically consistent.

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